Friday, January 9, 2015

The Fact About Credit Repair Reviews

By Aldo Furtado

Often people go searching for credit repair reviews to find a company they can trust to help them fix bad credit and increase their credit score. I get it, there's so much mixed information about there about credit repair, how do you know who to trust? So you go online and look for credit repair reviews... Most of the time a few large national companies pop up with good ratings for the site offering the review. Then you read on that these same companies have over 100 negative reviews. How can this be?

Most of the time a few large national companies pop up with good ratings for the site offering the review. Then you read on that these same companies have over 100 negative reviews. How can this be?

Do your homework! Here are a couple things to look for:

1) Even the best credit repair specialists will advise consumers that the whole process is time consuming and can be frustrating. This is the truth about credit repair, but it does not mean that you are "stuck" with bad credit for your entire life or even a number of years. People who have the time, patience and the knowledge can achieve results in a matter of weeks or months. If you do not have the time, patience or the know-how, you can hire a credit repair company.

2) Does the credit repair company limit the number of correspondence sent out on your behalf on a monthly basis? This is my pet peeve!!! Many companies limit the number of correspondence they send out monthly. This approach is designed to slow down your credit repair efforts and bill you longer. The longer it takes them to fix your credit, the more they get to charge you. This bothers me because when clients come to us for help, many of them are trying to buy a home or refinance high interest loans that are costing them a fortune.

2) The truth about credit repair is that establishing a good payment history will help. It does not exactly offset the bad credit, but if you are able to get a credit card and pay the balance off monthly, credit card companies will typically increase your line of credit. This will improve your credit score. There are many factors which determine a person's credit score and one is the amount of available credit versus used credit. So, if you are approved for a higher credit limit, but you do not "charge up" to that higher limit, then your credit score will go up. The best credit repair programs consist of building good credit, while removing bad credit.

Our "Credit Blitz" addresses every single negative account in question on the first round. Often within 24 hours of receiving your required documents.

Our "Credit Blitz" addresses every single negative account in question on the first round. Often within 24 hours of receiving your required documents. If you have 10 negative accounts, we will send a letter to each collection agency and creditor reporting the information in addition to all three credit reporting agencies. All of this happens within hours of your enrollment.

The truth about credit repair is that you must pay your bills. You must pay off any outstanding judgments or charge-offs. But, the truth about credit repair is that you can call a creditor who has reported a charge-off or judgment and negotiate the removal of the negative report.

Once you have paid the creditor, they have no real desire to leave the negative information on your report. Even though the credit bureaus may say that a specific item will remain on your credit report for a specific amount of time; it is not necessarily the truth.

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