Integrity Credit Solutions is different than other credit repair companies. Many credit repair companies limit the number of letters they send out on your behalf every month. This can drastically slow down your credit repair efforts. If you have 10 negative accounts, it could take months to address all of the accounts just one time. They do this so they can drag out your process and bill you longer.
Integrity Credit Solutions has developed a process we call the "Credit Blitz". Our credit blitz addresses every negative account on your credit report on the very first round, usually within the first day of your enrollment. This will supercharge your process to fix your credit and increase your credit score. Once correspondence has been sent, you will begin to receive responses in a month or so.
If you decide to go with a credit repair company be very careful to choose reputable company with years in business and scores of satisfied clients which can verify their record. Also look for a company which is going to work on more than just trying to remove negative items on your credit report.
Beware of any shortcuts here, and if any illegal activity is suggested (like getting a new address and through it a new credit rating) run away without turning back, that company is a scam. You can also do a good deed and report them to FTC, it might prevent other people from falling in their trap.
This is why Integrity Credit Solutions is able to help you fix your credit and increase your credit score. We work harder for our clients and we offer a complete process.
That's the difference between credit repair companies. When looking at credit repair company reviews, look to see if they are working as hard as they can to help you fix your credit and increase your credit score or are they trying to slow down your process and make more money off of you?
Integrity Credit Solutions has developed a process we call the "Credit Blitz". Our credit blitz addresses every negative account on your credit report on the very first round, usually within the first day of your enrollment. This will supercharge your process to fix your credit and increase your credit score. Once correspondence has been sent, you will begin to receive responses in a month or so.
If you decide to go with a credit repair company be very careful to choose reputable company with years in business and scores of satisfied clients which can verify their record. Also look for a company which is going to work on more than just trying to remove negative items on your credit report.
Beware of any shortcuts here, and if any illegal activity is suggested (like getting a new address and through it a new credit rating) run away without turning back, that company is a scam. You can also do a good deed and report them to FTC, it might prevent other people from falling in their trap.
This is why Integrity Credit Solutions is able to help you fix your credit and increase your credit score. We work harder for our clients and we offer a complete process.
That's the difference between credit repair companies. When looking at credit repair company reviews, look to see if they are working as hard as they can to help you fix your credit and increase your credit score or are they trying to slow down your process and make more money off of you?
As per the firm Epic research, the first thing you need to consider is making sure that the accounting books are in order.