Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Paper & Its Lesser Reliance By Bobby Jain Credit Suisse

By Rebecca Mills

No one can argue with the fact that digital media has been able to see a tremendous number of advances. This goes for the field of finance as well, as you can see from the methods which have arisen in the banking industry. With more and more of an emphasis placed in digital methods, it's easy to see that paper is being relied on less and less for just about any and all endeavors. Bobby Jain Credit Suisse will be able to offer insight into this topic.

As a consumer of my own bank, I still opt for monthly statements being brought into my mailbox. While it seems as though I should rely on digital media alone, I still find the idea of tangible forms and the like useful. One of the reasons for this is because I can keep better track of my records, as opposed to scour my account online in order to find what I need. For moments like tax refunds, I cannot help but feel as though tangible media should be seen to some extent.

Even with my slight reliance on tangible media, I'd say that my focus on digital media is far stronger. I can say this with confidence, especially after having purchased my first smartphone in the past year. I enjoy the fact that technology continues to grow without a true end in sight, almost like a goal that cannot be reached but companies strive to work toward all the same. Technology, as you can imagine, has played into various facets of life, finance being one of the biggest fields to consider.

Bobby Jain Credit Susise, as well as others, will be able to tell you all about how technology has been able to play into more financial matters. Bob Jain, to name just one authority, will be able to tell you about how much more sophisticated computer systems have become over the course of time. The same can be said for banking methods, in general, seeing as how checks can theoretically be cashed in through smartphones alone. While a method like this sounds hard to believe, it's one that is strong all the same.

It's difficult to say whether or not paper will fade away in terms of financial processes. No one can argue with the fact that there are still those who rely on tangible items, bank statements included amongst them. Even still, more and more people are becoming comfortable with the utilization of mainstream technology, whether it is rooted in the world of banking or not. Paper and digital methods are still important, though, and room should be shared by both.

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