When credit card benefits are used as a carrot to get you to spend more, you are asking for trouble. Here are a few common-sense suggestions for avoiding the perils of charge cards and benefits program spending.
Watch the bill
Right off the bat, the most logical way to make sure that you are not letting your charge card spending run amok is to reign in the spending and pay attention to what's going on your credit card bill. Waving the magic plastic doesn't mean that you won't be paying with interest in the end - or in full. Knowing how much you are spending and the way much you owe are imperative.
Monitor spending
If you have trouble keeping a mental tally of your credit card spending, write everything down. This is for those who do not like to view an online statement, but entering the 21st century is really a good idea.
Receipts are the key
It is always a good idea to keep your receipts in case you have to return something, but it is even better to keep them so you can keep good track of all your spending. You can keep away from writing things down on the spot.
Online resources with tools
You can keep track of your spending at Mint.com where there are cash management tools. Sites like these can be linked to your credit card, so you can monitor spending.
Staying away from excessive charge card benefits spending step No. 5 - Open another checking account
If you are having severe troubles, you can get a second checking account set up in order to work on the issue. This free checking account will be dedicated solely to paying down the card.
Avoiding extreme credit card benefits spending step No. 6 - Pay weekly
A lot of people like to pay their credit card bill each month, but it is much better if you can pay it off every week. It is a good idea to make weekly payments so you can spend as much as you would like on the card and still get benefits while staying away from additional interest.
Watch the bill
Right off the bat, the most logical way to make sure that you are not letting your charge card spending run amok is to reign in the spending and pay attention to what's going on your credit card bill. Waving the magic plastic doesn't mean that you won't be paying with interest in the end - or in full. Knowing how much you are spending and the way much you owe are imperative.
Monitor spending
If you have trouble keeping a mental tally of your credit card spending, write everything down. This is for those who do not like to view an online statement, but entering the 21st century is really a good idea.
Receipts are the key
It is always a good idea to keep your receipts in case you have to return something, but it is even better to keep them so you can keep good track of all your spending. You can keep away from writing things down on the spot.
Online resources with tools
You can keep track of your spending at Mint.com where there are cash management tools. Sites like these can be linked to your credit card, so you can monitor spending.
Staying away from excessive charge card benefits spending step No. 5 - Open another checking account
If you are having severe troubles, you can get a second checking account set up in order to work on the issue. This free checking account will be dedicated solely to paying down the card.
Avoiding extreme credit card benefits spending step No. 6 - Pay weekly
A lot of people like to pay their credit card bill each month, but it is much better if you can pay it off every week. It is a good idea to make weekly payments so you can spend as much as you would like on the card and still get benefits while staying away from additional interest.
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